For people who struggle with mental or other health conditions, taking prescription medications often becomes a daily routine. Sometimes, juggling multiple prescriptions at once is difficult. Thankfully, medication therapy management in Palm Beach, FL can help. However, what is medication therapy management?
What Is Medication Therapy Management (MTM)?
MTM is a specific program that helps people manage prescription medications. In fact, it helps in two major ways. Firstly, it ensures that the drugs work for them. Secondly, it ensures that they continue to take the drugs that work correctly.
Most health care professionals describe MTM as a program to manage their patients’ prescriptions. However, it’s also a way for health care providers to educate people about their health conditions.
Eligibility for MTM
Like with most mental health treatment programs, not everyone qualifies for MTM. As a result, it’s important for people to know the eligibility requirements. One qualification is that they must have two or more qualifying health conditions. Spending more than $4,044 on Part D prescription drugs in a single year is another requirement.
If people meet these stipulations, they can participate in MTM. However, this program is completely voluntary. Enrollment is free, so most people benefit from it if they qualify.
Medication Regimen Effectiveness
When people seek information about what is medication therapy management, they learn that it involves checking medication regimens for effectiveness. However, how does MTM achieve this goal? To ensure the effectiveness of a medication regimen, it looks at elements such as:
- The ability of patients to take medications
- The interaction between the drugs that they take
- The administration process to ensure that their doses are correct
- The effects that their medical conditions have on them
Ensuring that people take the right medications is vital to their health. However, it’s just as important to ensure that the drugs don’t interact with each other in negative ways. Sometimes, it’s easy for doctors to overlook drug interactions. It’s even more common with patients who see multiple doctors for psychiatric services and other health issues.
MTM Isn’t New
When people learn about what is medication therapy management, they often think that it’s a new practice. The reason is that it wasn’t something that people knew a lot about before 2003. That year is when the government added MTM to the Medicare Modernization Act.
In most cases, pharmacy professionals are the ones who provide this service. However, MTM is a program that nearly any health care professional can provide. Since pharmacists deal with people’s prescriptions, though, they’re generally the primary providers of this program.
Don’t Struggle With Your Mental Disorder Alone
Are you looking for medication therapy management Palm Beach, FL as a result of mental health problems? If so, you need to contact Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health. We’re a mental health clinic that can aid you in managing mental health issues. A few of the programs that we offer include:
- Group counseling
- Individual counseling
- Adolescent counseling
- Outpatient treatment
- Family counseling
- Psychotherapy
Learn more about what is medication therapy management. Make sure that you take the right medications to deal with co-occurring mental illnesses. Reach out to us at (888) 894-4814 for assistance.