Suicide Is a Worldwide Crisis
More than 800,000 people across the globe die by suicide every year. During World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th, people around the world come together to engage in discussions of suicide-prevention strategies. National Suicide Prevention Week (September 6th to September 12th) is an opportunity to confront these deaths and work to prevent suicide in both conversation and action. It’s time to put suicide prevention at the forefront of mental health discussions.
Like most mental health issues, suicide prevention often starts by removing the stigma associated with discussing it. One of the most effective ways to do this is to be open with people about seeing a depression therapist and prioritizing your mental health. Seeing a Palm Beach therapist should not be something you feel the need to hide.
Being open about seeing a therapist might help someone you know seek the help they need. Here are a few suggestions for supporting suicide prevention during National Suicide Prevention Week:
Reach Out to people
Staying connected during quarantine can help people feel less alone. If you’re thinking about someone, tell them you miss them. Tell them they matter to you. Social isolation can increase feelings of hopelessness and depression.
Reaching out to someone can improve your own mental health and the mental health of people you care about. Just checking in on someone can make a big difference. The following are a few ideas for reaching out:
- Send a text message
- Reach out on social media
- Make a phone call
Recognize the Signs of Emotional Distress
Everyone faces emotional challenges at different points in their lives, but if these challenges feel insurmountable, some people consider suicide to be their only escape from the pain. With social distancing in place, it is more important than ever to be aware of the signs of emotional distress. Check on people via social media, video chat, text messaging, and phone calls.
If you have a friend who shows signs of severe depression, extreme mood swings, feelings of worthlessness, and social withdrawal, do your best to make sure they know you care about them. It is common for people with severe depression to feel like they don’t matter.
If someone matters to you, tell them, whether it’s World Suicide Prevention Day or any day of the year. There is no better time to receive depression counseling services.
Celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day
The Interactive Screening Program (ISP) is an online, evidence-based program designed to reach people who are at risk for suicide. Florida mental health professionals use the ISP at academic institutions, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, etc.
Even when employers provide information about mental health services, people can be reluctant to participate due to embarrassment, fear, and shame surrounding mental health treatment. In recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day, it’s a great idea to be part of the discussion surrounding suicide prevention.
The ISP offers a safe and confidential way for people to get screened for stress, depression, and other mental health conditions. Afterward, they will receive a personal response from a program counselor in their insurance network. Individuals can communicate anonymously with a program counselor to receive recommendations, feedback, and support. Connecting people to available mental health services can save people’s lives. Even the most educated, connected employers cannot be expected to understand the mental health issues experienced by their employees.
The ISP is a way to encourage people to get help without approaching them directly. The screening is an anonymous online questionnaire, used by universities and workplaces can use it to determine if someone in their community may be at risk of suicide.
The answers to the questionnaire will be analyzed by a therapist, opening the door to an anonymous online mental health dialogue. Depression counseling can make a huge difference. This conversation might be a person’s first step in receiving help. Screenings identify individuals who might need help and connect them with resources. The program protects the privacy of employees, who are able to anonymously communicate with a therapist via text message.
Find a Palm Beach Gardens Therapist
You don’t need to wait until World Suicide Prevention Day to find a therapist in Florida. If you are concerned about your mental health or the mental health of a loved one, contact Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health online today or by calling (561) 933-6700.