There are many options for individuals looking for talk therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are two of the most common forms addressing the root causes of your issues. While the two treatments are similar, there is a significant difference between CBT and DBT. If you’re considering counseling in Palm Beach Gardens FL, then you may be wondering the difference between CBT and DBT. So, let’s take a closer look to see how they might benefit you.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
In cognitive-behavioral therapy, you work with a therapist exploring and coming to understand how your issues are rooted in your mind. Specifically, your beliefs and thinking system. CBT strives to help you learn to control your thoughts so you can make decisions calmly and rationally. Some of CBT’s core principles include:
- Exploring your negative thoughts and behaviors
- Making the connection between your thoughts and your addiction
- Retraining your mind to embrace positive thoughts and beliefs
- Creating positive behaviors that replace negative behaviors
In CBT, you and your therapist explore your issues in a safe environment identifying them and crafting ways to respond appropriately. CBT is a type of therapy where you condition your mind. You shift your entire perspective so you can continue to experience good mental health no matter the obstacle you encounter.
What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?
Technically, dialectical behavior therapy is a form of CBT. Underlying causes resulting in unhealthy behaviors are its focus. DBT is a kind of group therapy teaching skills helping individuals better handle overwhelming emotions. Individuals learn through DBT to in the moment choose healthy behaviors rather than dwelling on recurring anxieties or acting rashly. Individuals engaged in DBT learn to develop and maintain boundaries in their relationships and strengthen themselves.
Difference Between CBT and DBT
So even though they are similar, what is the difference between CBT and DBT? Both cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy are effective in treating people. Yet, certain individuals benefit more from one kind of therapy over the other. To determine which is right for you, Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health’s therapists will explore your specific needs with you.
CBT focuses on changing your mindset by identifying the root causes of your negativity. It is useful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, panic disorders, and depression. On the other hand, DBT is most often effective for those who have borderline personality disorder and those struggling with thoughts of self-harm. Dialectical behavioral therapy is more about controlling your emotions and your reactions.
Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health
Stress, anxiety, and depression can make your daily life a struggle. But you don’t have to endure these mental issues alone. Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health offers a variety of counseling in Palm Beach Gardens FL. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy can help you manage your mental health, let’s find out which will work best for you. We also provide:
- Individual counseling
- Family counseling
- Adolescent counseling
Now that you know the difference between CBT and DBT contact Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health today at (888) 894-4814.