Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

in Stuart, Florida

Accredited drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs designed to achieve lasting sobriety

Now In-Network With:

Cigna Detox
joint commission seal of approval


Individualized Drug
and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Everyone’s story is unique! No two people have the same background, mental health issues, or substance addiction. As a result, we build completely individualized treatment plans that address the needs of each person.

Success Stories


Integrated addiction treatment procedures are used by our drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation centers. They address substance use disorder, co-occurring mental health issues, and medical care requirements in a comprehensive approach.

The Advantages of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Stay in a safe and supportive environment
Caring support from a full medical team
Prescription medications to ease withdrawals
Treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders
Community integration activities
Focus 100% of your time and energy on recovery

Treatment Phases

According to our studies, those who complete detox and rehabilitation in the same program have a decreased risk of relapse and an increased likelihood of remaining sober longer.


– Get Clean –

A medical team of specialists will assist you in managing your withdrawal symptoms. You’ll be under round-the-clock supervision to ensure that you remain safe and comfortable to avoid relapse and get back on the road to sobriety with the right attitude.

Residential Rehab Program

– Understand –

After you’ve completed detox, you’ll go to rehabilitation to recover from your addiction. We’ll concentrate on your psychological dependence during this time. You’ll discover the causes of your addiction, gain control over urges that might cause relapse, and retrain your mind to operate normally without alcohol.

See if this treatment plan is right for you!

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Services

During the detox and rehabilitation process, you will get a complementary combination of therapies that have shown to be beneficial in the healing process.

Relapse prevention
Integrated treatment and medical intervention
Psychiatric care and medications for co-occurring disorders
Family therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Dual diagnosis therapy
Process groups

How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Cost?

Paying for addiction treatment

The cost of drug and alcohol addiction therapy at Remedy Therapy is individualized for each person. Why? We customize absolutely unique solutions based on the client’s particular addiction, history, and mental health needs. We collaborate with most insurance companies in the United States to give you the greatest coverage at a reasonable rate. To find out whether your insurance will cover your treatment, verify it now:

Where Addiction Stops and Healing Starts.

Taking the first step is half the battle. Choose how you want to get in contact with us to start the recovery process. You can reach us by phone or message.

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